- Priority space access - Yes.
- Booking required - Yes.
- Cancellation policy - No.

Q-GO Pharmaceuticals
Because preserving product integrity matters
Special handling - Individually noted on load documentation and notice to operating captain.
Dedicated labelling - Yes. Labels identify Q-GO Pharma freight to ensure handling of your freight receives high priority on the ground and in the air.
Dangerous goods - Yes.
Online tracking - Yes. Registered users can monitor Q-GO Pharma freight at important steps of its journey.
Freight monitoring - Dedicated guard or courier monitoring available by prior arrangement.
- Dedicated containers available - Yes. Shipper loaded units accepted by prior arrangement (subject to availability).
- Loose freight - Yes. You may lodge loose freight if this suits your shipping needs.
- Security restricted strong rooms - Available at selected ground handling facilities by prior arrangement (subject to availability).
- Coolrooms/freezers - Available at selected ground handling facilities by prior arrangement (subject to availability).
When you next consider arrangements for moving goods, we welcome the opportunity to understand your freight requirements.