Payment and collection delegation

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If you're a freight forwarder shipping internationally, provide your customers with a seamless experience by nominating yourself to collect and pay for freight on their behalf.

Customers who don’t have an account but would like to arrange a third party to collect their shipment, simply need to complete a Freight Collection Authority form and bring it along to the freight terminal when lodging items.

Adhoc vs ongoing delegation

Nominations for third party payment and collection authority (PCA) can be arranged on an adhoc or ongoing basis.

  • Adhoc PCA: Suitable for international freight forwarders organising third party collection of individual shipments
  • Ongoing PCA: Permanent third party delegation of freight payment and collection.

Adhoc PCA

  1. Login and complete the Adhoc PCA online form by selecting ‘Create PCA’. If this function is not in your profile – please email us with your username to  and request to have the PCA function added. 
  2. Have your customer approve the nomination through a link sent to their email.

Once this is done, our system will automatically pair you with the nominated air waybill (AWB) as a one-off.

Ongoing PCA

  1. Complete Part B of the Ongoing PCA form and have Part A filled out by the consignee.
  2. Email us with the completed form as an attachment.

This arrangement will mean you are permanently authorised to collect and pay for freight for your customers. 

To cancel this delegation email us