Domestic booking user guide

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Making domestic bookings online has never been easier thanks to our online functionality that puts you in control.

Creating a new booking

1. Sign into your account and select the ‘New booking’ tab on the 'My Freight' page.

2. Enter shipment origin and destination details, and select a commodity type.

3. Select whether the shipment contains dangarous goods, dry ice or radio active goods as well as a description.

4. Provide shipment details:

  • For loose shipments, state total pieces, weight and dimension information.
  • For shipper-loaded ULD shipments, provide ULD number, pieces and weight.

Information provided in these fields are important for aircraft preparation and safe loading, please ensure details are as accurate as possible. Updates can be made at any time prior to lodgement.

6. If booking an animal movement, provide animal crate size and details.

7. Select option for CSD submission. If yes, CSD details will be entered at step 11.

  • Select ‘Yes’ if freight is pre-screened or exempt, or ‘No’ if screening is required at the airport.

8. Select shipping type via ‘Drop-off time’, ‘Search flights’ or ‘Nominate flights’, then select a service.

9. If your company has a blocked space agreement, you can book to an allotment. If there is not enough capacity left on your flight of choice, you can choose to waitlist to that flight.

10. Complete contact details and Dangerous Goods declaration. Sender details will be pre-populated based on your account details.

11. Input CSD information as required or complete details for exempt freight.

12. Accept terms and conditions, then click ‘Book’ to complete the booking.

13. Once processed, you will be presented with a confirmation page and sent an email.

14. View and download the AWB by clicking on the down arrow.

15. Keep a record of your booking confirmation email.

Creating booking templates

Set up and use booking templates to speed up regular and repeated bookings.

1. Select the ‘Booking templates’ tab on the 'My Freight' page, then select ‘Create template’.

2. Create a template name and complete shipment details for your new template.

Using booking templates

1. Select the ‘Booking templates’ tab on the 'My Freight' page.

2. Enter template name and select ‘Search’ or select from the template list.

3. Click on the options and choose ‘Book’, ‘Edit’ or ‘Delete’.

Managing an existing booking

1. Select the ‘Manage Bookings’ tab on the 'My Freight' page.

2. Find a booking by entering the lodgement date range and any additional fields, then click ‘Search’. 

The lodgement date range is mandatory, while others are optional.

3. Edit booking by selecting the AWB to expand the view, then click ‘Edit’.

4. In the ‘Booking details’ tab, you can edit or delete the booking, or print your AWB or barcode labels.

If making changes to your booking, ensure weight and dimensions are updated.

5. In the ‘CSD details’ tab, you can edit the CSD, or print your CSD.

6. In the ‘Notifications’ tab, you can update your default notifications for an AWB.

Cancelling a booking

1. Select the ‘Manage Bookings’ tab on the 'My Freight' page.

2. Select an AWB to expand the view, click on the ‘Booking details’ tab, then click ‘Delete booking’. Alternatively you can select ‘Edit’, then click 'Delete booking’.

3. Confirm the cancellation by clicking ‘Delete’. Your booking will then be cancelled.

Cancelling bookings that are no longer required will improve your access to urgent or last minute freight capacity.